My major worry was that the kids would not play the correct apps. You a math game during the All Important Uninterrupted Reading Block or be playing Angry Birds when the principal did a walk through! SOLUTION: If you hold down an app until it starts flashing, you can move them around. Just move the apps they are allowed to play to the bottom. I put them in the order I want them to play. (It is usually a Spelling Test first, then a story, then a phonics game for my group.) I change them each week.
Okay, I have to admit I happened to do this by accident. I am not some techie genius. But it has been a lifesaver!
Here are a few of my favorite Reading Apps. I used pictures because I think they are easier to find when you get to the app store that way! Some are free, some are paid for. My colleague and I registered all of our devices together so we can share apps!
Spelling Test: This one is GREAT! You can add your own spelling words. The kids can email their practice test directly to you or you can just go on the iPad to check them out! The downside is that if you have more than one iPad, you have to put in the words on each device. Hint: Make "name" a spelling word and have the student type in their name. Otherwise you won't know who's test you are looking at!
This is an app from Lakeshore. Right before Christmas, they had several free apps. Hopefully they will be creating more.
Cimo Spelling Sound Out
There is one for sight words, too. This one has games separated by short vowels, long vowels, special vowels, etc. Perfect for winter!
Memory Matching Game for Sight Words
Stories are some of my student's favorites. They have Tacky, Cat in the Hat, The Mitten, Little Miss Spider, I could go on and on! There are also a lot of nonfiction ones. A lot start out with "I like". There seems to be one of those for every season or topic! (The snow one below is an example of one.)
Most have a "Read to Me" and "Read by Myself" option as well as games to play.

Stories are some of my student's favorites. They have Tacky, Cat in the Hat, The Mitten, Little Miss Spider, I could go on and on! There are also a lot of nonfiction ones. A lot start out with "I like". There seems to be one of those for every season or topic! (The snow one below is an example of one.)
Most have a "Read to Me" and "Read by Myself" option as well as games to play.