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We LOVE hosting book studies!
The Limitless School was one of our favorites. It is all about creating and supporting a positive culture in your school. It is a great choice if your whole staff, not just teachers, wants to participate in a book study.
Sample Flyer and Schedule:
Initial Meet-Up:
We love to start our book studies with a face-to-face meet-up. This gives you a chance to go over the logistics, get to know everyone, build excitement and introduce Twitter.
Not everyone is comfortable with Twitter. You do not want that to deter someone from participating in your book study! We end our initial meet-up with Twitter 101 to help with this.
We created a PowerPoint for our meet-up.
It is only to keep us on track.
We end the PowerPoint with Twitter 101. Participants can leave when the discussion is over, or hang around for Twitter 101.
Welcome Table |
Check out our FREE editable PowerPoint by clicking the image below!
Next Level Tip: For the 3 words activities, have participants write their words on a square of brightly colored paper! Have them write their next 3 words on the other side! Chop some Astrobrites paper into 6 squares.
We provide our participants with handouts and swag. This way they have a hard copy of important information and a place to take notes...and something fun to take home!
Check out our FREE editable Handouts by clicking the image below!
Check out our FREE editable swag by clicking the image below!
Twitter Chats:
First tip-use TweetDeck! It is great for hosting and participating.
We have more information about TweetDeck on {this blog post}.
Check out our FREE Twitter Chat questions by clicking the image below!
Final Meet-Up:
We love to end our book studies with a face-to-face meet-up.
The final meet-up is not to discuss chapters. It is more of a time to make a plan and put all of our ideas into motion!
For our Limitless School book study we used our meet-up time to come up with action plans for the 20 goals discussed in the book. This is great for team building and collective efficacy.
Check out our FREE editable PowerPoint by clicking the image below!
*Tip: Choose 5 or 6 of the goals that your school needs to focus on for the meet-up. Arrange them to be at the top of the PowerPoint, in the order of importance. Keep a few extra slides at the end in case you have extra time!
If you would like more tips and tricks for hosting a book study, click the picture below!
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