Sunday, October 7, 2012

Update and a New Spider Unit

Just a quick update to let you know how the 1/2 combo is going in reading....we are all learning and surviving!   I am tweaking things daily but it is going okay!  I teach 1st grade whole group while 2nd is at centers and vice versa.  I am teaching writing as a whole group with different expectations for each grade level.  I have a sub this Friday and next Monday.  That will be the true test.....can I explain what we do, when we do it, and who goes where and when;-)

I created a spiders mini unit yesterday!  (Well, it ended up being 51 pages, not sure how mini that is!)  Both reading and math activities are included.  Roll and Color, Skip Counting pages, Addition to 20 sort, ABC order, Noun and Verb sort, Writing pages, Can/Have/Are, etc.
Click the picture below to get it at my TPT store for $3.
I will send it to the first 2 people to comment!  Make sure to leave your email address!


  1. Perfect unit to teach for this month! Would love a copy!

  2. ahh!!I was going to have to do a 1/2 combo this year too! I"m glad it's going ok for you

  3. I love the Roll and Color :)
