Sunday, November 3, 2013

November Currently and a Schedule Linky!

It is November already!  How did that happen?
Listening:  To a very loud fan.  My air conditioner broke a couple of weeks ago.  It cannot be fixed so I have to purchase a new one....YIKES!  To combat the 90 degree weather, I ran to the nearby Dollar Store to pick up a fan.  It is the loudest fan I have ever heard!  (I know you are saying, "What did she expect, she got a fan at the Dollar Store?!?!!)
Loving:  The cool front that is moving through.  It is raining.  I don't care.  It is supposed to cool it off for a few days.  Upper 70's.  WooHoo!
Thinking:  About lesson plans.  I have next week's done.  My goal for the weekend is to get the following week's done as well.  I am TRYING to get ahead!
Wanting:  To win the lottery.  So I can purchase a new air conditioner.  (And do other important things like get my hair and nails done.)   FYI: I have not purchased any lottery tickets, so this is not going to happen! I will have to keep wanting!
Needing:  To start planning.  My family is coming to my house for Thanksgiving this year!   In my 10 years living in Florida, I have never stayed here for the holidays.  I always go visit my family in Indiana.  I am SOOOOO excited!
A Yummy Pin:  This is my new favorite pasta dish!  It is very easy.  I use fresh herbs and it makes the house smell wonderful while it it cooking.  Click the picture for the link.

If you want to link up with Farley, click {HERE}!

I am also linking up with TGIF for a peek at other teacher's daily schedules.  Mine varies slightly several days of the week due to Early Release Wednesdays and PLC day.  (On Thursdays, we get 15 minutes added to our Special Area for grade level PLC.)  Our Special Area schedule is very difficult to keep up with.  We have a Week A and a Week B to accommodate a part time PE teacher's schedule.  (We share him with another school.)

What does your schedule look like?  Link up!



  1. I was just writing in my post about how I would LOVE to be some place warm right now! I will trade with you, if you would like to come up to Canada for awhile, we sure don't have 90 degree fact it was -3 the other morning! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. We had Canadian Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. I was just saying to my hubby that we should celebrate BOTH Thanksgivings...because I love turkey dinner THAT MUCH!
    Have a wonderful holiday!

  2. I sympathize with you and the heat! Fall is gorgeous up here in Minnesota right now (don't mean to rub it in) but I am sure very soon I'd wish I was in your neck of the woods. Your pasta pin looks so good and easy! I'll have to add it to my grocery list today!

  3. Loved reading your schedule, thank you SO much for linking up!!

    :) Susan

  4. Oh I know how you feel about the air conditioning. We just put in an entirely new system last month! The lottery would have been wonderful to have won to help with that one. Good luck with your planning. I'm off to tackle report cards!
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  5. Oh no! I can imagine how annoying it is to listen to the sound of your very loud fan. I do hope you can buy a new aircon as soon as possible so your ears can stop hurting. Hehe! Just don't forget to check out the AC's features and its energy consumption before purchasing it. :)

    Lashon Cheatham @
